The PRASAD Project

/PRASAD Project

About PRASAD Project

The PRASAD Project is a not-for-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people around the world. PRASAD (Philanthropic Relief, Altruistic Service And Development) is a philanthropic expression of the Siddha Yoga mission.

PRASAD CDHP Wins the 2016 Leadership Summit Innovation Award!

It is our great honor to announce that PRASAD Children’s Dental Health Program was presented the [...]

Adolescent Health in India

As adults, when we reflect back on our adolescent years, we may remember a time [...]

PRASAD de México Celebrates 20 Years of Service!

PRASAD de México is celebrating its 20th Anniversary! Founded on July 25, 1996, to provide much [...]

2015 PRASAD’s Water and Soil Conservation Efforts

It finally feels like summer in New York! As much as we're all happy to [...]

Ever-lasting positive contribution

Prasad is an organization I meet when I was living in Ganeshpuri long time ago. [...]

Helping those less fortunate

Today I was extolling to my husband over dinner how great itis to be donating [...]


The PRASAD Project Board of Trustees and Executive Director recently met with the Trustees of PRASAD [...]

Sometimes we take clean water for granted

Sometimes we take clean water for granted. The World Health Organization estimates that 97 million Indians [...]

2016: Top-Rated Nonprofit by GreatNonprofits

The PRASAD Project has been recognized as a Top-Rated Nonprofit by GreatNonprofits and achieved a [...]

2016: PRASAD CDHP Receives Leadership Summit Innovation Award

PRASAD Children’s Dental Health Program was presented with the 2016 Leadership Summit Innovation Award at [...]