Ensuring Access & Inspiring Minds
PRASAD Chikitsa fosters education for Adivasi youth in four important ways.
Staff members encourage elementary and secondary school children to work hard and emphasize the importance of education. They distribute educational materials like textbooks, notebooks, pens, and pencils to help facilitate school attendance.In addition, as there is no public transportation in the Tansa Valley, children walk to school, and many walk barefoot because struggling families often can’t afford shoes for their children. This can be dangerous, leading to worm infestations or infections from debris along the road. In answer, PRASAD Chikitsa is providing footwear through our Happy Feet program, making it safer for children to attend school every day.
PRASAD funds scholarships for students to pay for exams required to graduate from high school and to attend college and vocational schools to study engineering and nursing among other fields. Students must demonstrate need, academic success, and the desire to give back to their communities.
The Kalakendra Arts & Crafts Program preserves the indigenous cultural heritage of the Tansa Valley region by engaging children in various regional art forms. It provides youth with opportunities for self-expression and employment. Since 1998, 155,000 children have participated in the program.
Inspiring stories from PRASAD's work with Education programs in the Tansa Valley, India.
The best help is through education
PRASAD works within local conditions and alongside local cultures to change lives. There are a number of ways you can support PRASAD, whether through ongoing monthly giving or a one-time donation.