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A Variety of Ways to Support

By supporting PRASAD, your direct donations fund innovative solutions assisting children and communities in need. Whether through ongoing monthly giving or a one-time gift, no donation is too small to change a life!

You can also help to sustain and advance PRASAD’s work in a variety of other ways as noted below. Consult with your financial planner, accountant and/or attorney to determine which option best fits your individual or family situation. Then, please contact our office at 845-434-0376 or email so we can facilitate the giving process. Thank you!

Support Our Education Work

Donation Opportunities

Become a PRASAD partner

Become a PRASAD Partner

Pledge a monthly gift to sustain PRASAD all year long. See how monthly giving really adds up in just one year! As a bonus, if your PRASAD partner monthly gift is $30 or more, you will receive a luxurious scarf donated by Love Quotes™ on your Partnership Anniversary.

Mail / Check

Mail / Check

Click the link below, print out & complete the form and send it with check or credit card information to PRASAD at P.O. Box 576 Ferndale, NY 12734
complete form



A gift of appreciated assets to PRASAD, owned by you for more than one year, qualifies for a charitable contribution deduction equal to the full fair market value of the assets. Your gift would then be sold by PRASAD, and since PRASAD is a not-for-profit organization, the appreciation would not be taxed.
Our programs

Donor-Advised funds

Donor-Advised funds

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is created to manage your charitable donations. It is administered by a third party that allows you to combine favorable tax benefits with flexibility to easily support PRASAD.

Give From Your Retirement Plan

Give from your IRA

Today, IRAs, Keoghs, 401(K), 403(B), SEP, and other profit-sharing plans make up a large part of many estates. If PRASAD is named as the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of all or a specified percentage of your plan, both income and estate taxes are avoided.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Corporate Matching Gifts

An easy way to increase your gift to PRASAD is through your employer’s matching gift program. Many employers match employee charitable contributions—sometimes doubling the amount. Contact your Human Resources office to learn more.


Planned Giving

There are many vehicles for Planned Giving. Please contact us at

Personal fundraising campaign

Personal fundraising campaign

Help raise awareness and funds by starting a personal fundraising page and asking your network to support PRASAD. Just choose a campaign and tell the story of why PRASAD’s work matters to you. It only takes a few minutes to make a big difference! We’re happy to help you get started.

Host an Event

Host an Event

Celebrate a birthday, wedding, or anniversary by hosting live or virtual fundraising events for PRASAD. We’ll help you organize it and provide materials about PRASAD.

Honor/ Memoriam Tribute Gifts

Honor/Memoriam Tribute Gifts

Give a gift in memory or in honor of someone special. Occasions for donating in honor of someone include birthdays, the birth of a child, wedding, anniversaries, and more. To make a tribute gift, please let us know all the information at the time you make your donation to PRASAD.
news and articles



Gifts by bequest can take many forms: a specified dollar amount, a percentage of the estate, or a residual remainder of an estate. It is important that the bequest be worded correctly; we are happy to provide you and your legal counsel with suggested terminology.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable Remainder Trusts

You may wish to consider establishing a charitable remainder trust during your lifetime or through your estate plan. These arrangements have special tax advantages and can provide income for you or other beneficiaries while benefiting PRASAD.

Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts of Real Estate

You can make a gift of real property, including real estate such as a residence, vacation home or condominium. You may continue to use the residence during your lifetime, and you may also be entitled to a sizable income tax deduction.

In-Kind Gifts

In-Kind Gifts

Individuals and businesses may be able to provide substantial assistance by gifting goods & services. If you are considering donating an in-kind gift to PRASAD, please contact us to be sure the gift can be used at this time.

Recognitions and Ratings

PRASAD is a global charitable organization committed to uplifting the lives of economically disadvantaged people around the world. Our programs in India, Mexico, and the United States impact thousands of people annually.


Candid is the world’s largest source of information about nonprofit organizations. Platinum is their top level.

Great Nonprofits

At Great Nonprofits, volunteers, donors and beneficiaries share their experiences with and rate their charities of choice.

Charity Navigator

4-stars, Charity Navigator’s highest rating, indicates that PRASAD adheres to sector best practices.


PRASAD was featured on the respected financial website “The Street” as one of 30 recommended charities, top-rated for transparency, accountability, and financial health.

Women’s Self-help Groups

Help communities grow

PRASAD works within local conditions and alongside local cultures to change lives. There are a number of ways you can support PRASAD, whether through ongoing monthly giving or a one-time donation.