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PRASAD Trutees Meet in India

The PRASAD Project Board of Trustees and Executive Director recently met with the Trustees of PRASAD licensees from Australia, France, India and Spain in Ganeshpuri in India. The international PRASAD team is fully committed to preserving the operation and legacy of PRASAD’s programs for generations to come. Whenever we meet we are able to renew our pledge face-to-face to help children and families in need to live the healthiest, most fulfilling lives possible.

We would like to take a moment to thank the outgoing board chairman, Frederic Dacqmine, for his more than 20 years of service to PRASAD. Frederic has contributed immeasurably to the work of PRASAD and we sincerely thank him for his dedication and efforts toward building the organization that we have today.

We also warmly welcome Harriette Cole, our new chair. Harriette joined the board in 2014, bringing experience, dedication and enthusiasm to the position.

The PRASAD Project

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